BJP MP and actress Kangana Ranaut is gearing up for Emergency. Now, she has shared that she extended an invitation to politician Priyanka Gandhi Vadra. The movie revolves around the story of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi during the period from 1975 to 1977. She declared a state of emergency across the country by citing internal and external threats to the country.
Kangana Ranaut invites Priyanka Gandhi to watch Emergency
Speaking to ANI about her invitation to Indira Gandhi, she said, “I actually met Priyanka Gandhi in the parliament. And the first thing I told her was, ‘You should watch the emergency’. She was very gracious’. She said, ‘Yeah may be’. So let’s see if they would want to watch the film. I think it’s a very sensitive and sensible portrayal of one episode and one personality also. And I have taken great care to portray Mrs. Gandhi with great dignity. Because I see when I started to do a lot of research, there was so much focus and so much material about her personal life, whether it was her relationship with her husband or many friends or controversial equations”.
She further added, “I thought to myself that there is so much more to every person. When it comes to women, especially, they’re always reduced to their equation with men around them. And of course, sensational encounters. In fact, most of the controversial material was about all that. But I have portrayed her with so much dignity and sensibility. And I think that everybody should see this film”.
“Apart from some very crazy things that happened during the emergency and other few things, I think she was very loved and celebrated. Being a three-time Prime Minister is not a joke. She was loved and celebrated, ” she concluded stating that Indra was one of the most loved leader.
The film also stars Anupam Kher, Shreyas Talpade and late Satish Kaushik, is directed by Kangana herself. Emergency is set for release on January 17.